Saturday, April 4, 2009

what the fuck?

ugh, i'm so pissed off right now.
i don't think my mother knows exactly how much she pisses me off sometimes.
tonight at dinner, mind you this was a public place.
i bring up how excited i am about prom (i'm going with a girl)
and she's just so unnecessary and rude about my sexuality (i'm bi.)
tonight she's just like, "OHMYGOD, ARE YOU GOING TO TOUCH HER BOOBS?"
her words exactly.
she didn't know how fucking hurtful that was.
my parents are very open minded but my mom just teases me all the time about this.
my dad just tenses up and acts awkward if i even mention it.
glad i got this off my chest none the less.
i'm going to go before i burst into tears.

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