Friday, April 17, 2009

that's straight.

“gay is not a synonym for shitty or bad. if you want to say something's shitty; then just say it's shitty or bad and stop being such a homophobic asshole.” -pete wentz

god, i heard that 1,086 times a day at rochester middle school. it really sickens me, seriously. you have no right to use that term in that way. being gay isn't a crime, it isn't a bad thing. get over it. why should it matter who someone loves? love is love and it's simple as that. let people be happy, no matter what gender they choose. love shouldn't be based on race, age, gender, etc. it should be based on love. holyfuck, get over yourselves.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

writing and such

i guess i'm ungrounded, maybe not?
i don't know, gerard (my laptop... shut up, i'm not obsessed!) was still sleeping next to me when i woke up. so the momster, who've i've made temperary amends with, didn't take it.
i'm playing with the idea of creating a sequel to my story the sharpest lives, in josh's pov.
haha, you probably have no idea what i'm talking about.
it's a short story i wrote and here's the link...
which i would LOVE to give you but mibba is being a spaz.

Monday, April 13, 2009

been grounded.

i've been grounded, i think i still am.
umumum, not much.
i've been reading and drawing and listening to music and anything so i wont be bored out of my skull. 
i got the ellen hopkins books (impulse, burned, glass--or whatever)
impulse is good, glass is pretty good, i didn't read crank so i'm a little lost.
they're quick reads which is good.
i got the new issues of the umbrella academy, i'll be sad to see it come to an end.
going to meet my friend up the street in a few minutes.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

where is the love?

In relation to Dan's recent rediscovery of The Black Eyed Pea's Where is the Love?
That is my title.
God, I haven't that song in forever.
What ever happened to meaningful songs? I mean, I don't think I've heard a decent pop song with any meaning in it since 9/11. 
It's all about OMG! MY BOYFRIEND BROKE UP WITH ME! and shit like that.
Sometimes I think I'd be better off in the 60's.

My mom has also become super bitch.
She loves to interrupt me at the most inconvenient times.
Like, in the middle of corpse pose during my daily yoga.
Just to tell me, hey, you're not allowed to bring YOUR computer
into school tomorrow because you forgot your coat.

Screw it, I'm bringing it anyway.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

what the fuck?

ugh, i'm so pissed off right now.
i don't think my mother knows exactly how much she pisses me off sometimes.
tonight at dinner, mind you this was a public place.
i bring up how excited i am about prom (i'm going with a girl)
and she's just so unnecessary and rude about my sexuality (i'm bi.)
tonight she's just like, "OHMYGOD, ARE YOU GOING TO TOUCH HER BOOBS?"
her words exactly.
she didn't know how fucking hurtful that was.
my parents are very open minded but my mom just teases me all the time about this.
my dad just tenses up and acts awkward if i even mention it.
glad i got this off my chest none the less.
i'm going to go before i burst into tears.

seducing JD

so i watched an interview with my hero Johnny Depp.
Apparently breathing turns him on.
Not breathing turns him off.
Sorry dead girls.
I'm going to go seduce Johnny Depp with my breathing skills.
I've been doing it for fifteen years, I should be a pro.

midnight madness

we've (cynthia, greg and I) have decided we're pathetic.
last night we gathered around midnight in cyn's tiny bathroom and had a tea party.
in discussing we realized that we're all grown teenagers and we're doing this on a friday night/into saturday morning.
we sat around discussing the world with strange accents while listening to Tea Time Poems by Emilie Autumn.
It was very nice, we enjoyed mint tea and then a batch of ginger tea.
the guest list included:
Myself (who provided the tea)
Cynthia (who provided the tea set)
Greg (who provided great company)
Sir Ratticus, the rat.
Father Pristine, the dead snake who lives in a box.
We had a jolly good time, we sat around singing,
"A very happy unbirthday to you!
"To me?"
"Yes you!"
and sang along to Emilie Autumn.